Skin Rejuvenation
in Ventura, CA
Skin rejuvenation is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure for resurfacing your skin or improving the texture and general appearance of your skin. Some of the unwanted skin conditions that may be addressed through skin resurfacing include scars from injuries or acne, vascular conditions, loss of skin tone, pigmentation, and wrinkles. Skin rejuvenation procedures include the use of laser and light treatments or specially formulated chemical peels to target specific areas for treatment. These procedures resurface the skin to treat the unwanted skin conditions and improve the positive self-perception of the patients.
At Pickart Plastic Surgery, we offer the following skin rejuvenation treatments and procedures to the residents of Ventura, Camarillo, and the surrounding areas of California:

We now offer Marula Oil for the face, neck and decolletege.
If you are a resident of Ventura, Camarillo or the surrounding areas in California and are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, call Pickart Plastic Surgery at (805) 232-5688. Our talented staff members can answer all your questions and also schedule your consultation.
How much does an arm lift cost in Ventura?
Pickart Plastic Surgery currently works with CareCredit® to provide financing option for patients. Within a few hours, you can be pre-approved for your cosmetic procedure.
If you are ready to achieve your ideal body shape, check out our arm lift before and after photos to see the talented results you could achieve.
Patient Reviews
“I received a personal referral to Dr. Pickart while suffering from a severe illness. Dr. Pickart and his team treated me with extreme kindness and concern. Before, during and after surgery I received a higher level of care and better results than I even hoped. I highly recommend this excellent surgeon and his team.” – Nilla V.
Dr. Pickart specializes in body contouring procedures of all types; visit our other body contouring pages including lower body lift, buttock lift, and inner thigh lifts.
If you are a resident of Ventura, Camarillo or the surrounding areas in California and are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, call Pickart Plastic Surgery at (805) 232-5688. Our talented staff members can answer all your questions and also schedule your consultation.