Plastic Surgery
in Ventura, CA
Plastic surgery is a medical specialty that involves the construction, restoration, or improvement in the appearance or form of specific body structures that may be defective, missing, misshapen, or damaged. The aims of plastic surgery include both medical and aesthetic purposes. Medical plastic surgery usually involves the reconstruction of damaged or defective body structure, while aesthetic surgery almost always involves improving the patient’s looks and, consequently, the patient’s perception of his or her body image. In some cases, plastic surgery may be performed for a combination of the two purposes. Some plastic surgery procedures include breast augmentation, eyelid surgery, facelift, liposuction, tummy tuck, nose surgery, and chin augmentation.
At Pickart Plastic Surgery, we offer the following plastic surgery procedures to the residents of Ventura, Camarillo, and the surrounding areas of California:

If you are a resident of Ventura, Camarillo or the surrounding areas in California and are considering cosmetic or reconstructive surgery, call Pickart Plastic Surgery at (805) 232-5688. Our talented staff members can answer all your questions and also schedule your consultation.